
Learning Strategies

Page history last edited by Henry T. Hill 4 years, 10 months ago

The Teaching of Learning Strategies by Weinstein and Mayer (1983) presents major categories of learning strategies and implications for teachers.


Learning-Support Guidelines 108 pages


Learning Taxonomy - Krathwohl’s Affective Domain


Three domains of Learning - Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor


Teaching for Affective Learning


Inside Out: Detecting Learners’ Confusion to Improve Interactive Digital Learning Environments


SMART Goal Setting Guide Sheet


Grow Your Mindset at https://www.aacu.org/sites/default/files/files/ild/symonette.makeassessmentwork.dweck_.pdf


Effective Effort Rubric


Enthusiasm and the effective modern academic


The Causes of Learners’ Reticence and Passivity in English Classrooms in Taiwan


Overcoming Passivity in the Classroom: An Intervention


Student disengagement from primary schooling: a review of research and practice


Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University Metacognition


Strategies and Interventions to Focus Off-task Students: A Case Study of a 1st Grade Student


Attention Problems: Intervention and Resources


Misunderstood Minds: Difficulties With Attention


Neural Development from Molecular Development of the Cell textbook


10 Reasons Why B Students Are Likely To Be Successful


Learning Tools from "My Journal From Amyloidosis to Chemo to Peripheral Neuropathy"

Appendix A: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and Five Stages to Acceptance

Appendix B: Pragmatism

Appendix C: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Appendix D: Transactional Analysis

Appendix E: Making Sense with General Semantics

Appendix F: Somatosensory Part of Brain and Role of Behavior, Chemicals, Emotions and Physical Activity

Appendix G: Placebo Effect Concept

Appendix H: Bloom’s Taxonomy Concept

Appendix I: Marshall McLuhan and The Medium Is the Massage

Appendix J:  Words, Questions and Grammarand Chaos

Appendix K: Learning Theories 






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