
TCC Worldwide Online Conference - April 15-17, 2008

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Saved by Henry T. Hill
on April 15, 2008 at 9:59:09 am

TCC 2008 Schedule of Events

The TCC Conference uses Elluminate to present the conference.


The following is a tentative schedule of live events for TCC 2008. It will change as the conference start date approaches.

Instructions for Presenters

1. Review available time slots for your presentation. Note that for the Concurrent A column is reserved

for papers;

Concurrent B and Concurrent C for

general sessions

. Times are listed in Honolulu time.

Click on the time to see the times in other time zones


2. Send an email message to Tracy <


>, indicating your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices. To avoid confusion, please state the title or your proposal or paper along with your contact information. If you have more than one presentation, please indicate the preferred times for each separately. For the subject line, please indicate:

TCC 2008 presentation time request.

3. Tracy will confirm the scheduled date and time with you.

How to read codes

Example - ta09: t=Tuesday, a=Concurrent A (for papers), 09=900 AM HST

Example - rd15: r=Thursday, d=Concurrent D (reserved for PPDLA), 15=1500 HST or 300 PM


The name listed after the session title in parentheses is that of the facilitator.

Click on the time column to veiw times n other time zones.

April 15 - Tuesday

Concurrent A
(Paper only)
Concurrent B
(General session)
Concurrent C
(General session)
Concurrent D
0900 Dr. Peter Kiriakidis,
Instructors and Students...
(Alan Selig)
tb09 Karlyn Barilovits,
Applying the Hedgehog...
(Leah Jones)
Silvia Braidic, et.al.,
Advising and Supporting...
(Curtis Ho)
1000 ta10 reserved Nancy Moose,
Using the Ordinary...
(Curtis Ho)
Robert Fulkerth,
Creating and Teaching..
(Alan Selig)
JoAnn Funk,
Online Library Research...
(Bert Kimura)
1100 Ariana Eichelberger,
Help! I Need Somebody...
(Susan Jaworowski)
Judy Gnarpe, et. al.,
Building a Learning...

(Alan Selig)
Selia Karsten,
Teaching Strategies...
(Peter Leong)
td11 reserved
1200 Rebecca Meeder,
(Susan Jawarowski)
Vincent Linares,
Looking Back...
(Cynthia Calongne)
Barbara Walters, et. al.,
High-Tech - High-Touch...
(Peter Leong)
Reima Al-Jarf,
Is Internet-based...
(Alan Selig)
1300 Enrico DiGiammarino,
Second Life Virtual...
(Francis-Dean Uchima)
April Hayman, et. al.,
Web 2.0 Solutions...
(Linda Johnson)
Lisa Hasler Waters,
Mash It Up!...
(Peter Leong)
Reima Al-Jarf,
EFL Faculty Online...
(Alan Selig)
1400 Larry Johnson
New Media Consortium

(Bert Kimura)
Keynote Keynote Keynote
1500 Cathy Taylor, et. al.,
Developing Online...
(Taylor Willingham)
Curt Madison,
Strengthening Seldom...
(Rebecca Meeder)
Fran Gregg, et. al.,
Online Education: Message...
(Francis-Dean Uchima)
td15 reserved
1600 Happy Hour Arabella Hay, et.al.,
Embedding eLearning...
(Rebecca Meeder)
Mariusz Kakolewicz,
External Representatives...
(Alan Selig)
td16 reserved
1700 Second Life Event (TBA) Katie Klinger, et. al.,
Internet Tools: Key...
(Rebecca Meeder)
Heike Philp,
(Francis-Dean Uchima)
td17 reserved
Concurrent A
Concurrent B
(General session)
Concurrent C
(General session)
Concurrent D

April 16 - Wednesday

Concurrent A
Concurrent B
(General session)
Concurrent C
(General session)
Concurrent D
0900 wa09 reserved Therese Kanai,
Global Integration...
(Rebecca Meeder)
Karl Soehnlein,
Orienting and Preparing...
(Brent Hirata)
Penny Lorenzo, et. al.,
Cultural Diversity...
(Curtis Ho)
1000 wa10 reserved wb10 Susan Spencer, et. al.,
Learning in a Virtual...
(Cynthia Calongne)
Silvia Braidic, et. al.,
Faculty and Student...
(Curtis Ho)
1100 Plamen Miltenoff, et. al.,
Podcasting for School...
(Taylor Willingham)
Danilo Baylen,
Using Moodle to Promote...
(Curtis Ho)
Robin Bartoletti,
Extreme Makeover:...
(Leah Jones)
PDK Panel,
Educators on the Move...
1200 Thanh Truc Nguyen, et. al.,
Podcasting in Middle...
(Francis-Dean Uchima)
John Clayton,
Open Source Content...
(Leah Jones)
Laura Brewer, et. al.,
Collaborative Web 2.0...
(Linda Johnson)
wd12 reserved
1300 John Thompson,
Online or On Campus
(Alan Selig)
Cynthia Calongne,
Second Life: Teaching...
(Linda Johnson)
Ni Chang,
What Do Online...
(Greg Walker)
wd13 reserved
1400 Jonathan Finkelstein

(Alan Selig)
Keynote Keynote Keynote
1500 Helen Madden-Hallett
Gen Y, not so Bleeding...
(Shirley Yamashita)
Satoru Shinagawa,
Making Audiobooks...
(Leah Jones)
Doric Little, et. al.,
Challenges and Successes...
(Curtis Ho)
Mark Hines,
Using Blogging...
(Alan Selig)
1600 Chareen Snelson,
Web-Based Video...
(Cynthia Calongne)
Sher Downing,
Changing Mindsets...
(Curtis Ho)
Regina Henry,
Hybrid Learning...
(Alan Selig)
wd16 reserved
1700 Second Life Event (TBA) wb17 wc17 wd17 reserved
Concurrent A
Concurrent B
(General session)
Concurrent C
(General session)
Concurrent D

April 17 - Thursday

Concurrent A
Concurrent B
(General session)
Concurrent C
(General session)
Concurrent D
0900 Alan McCord,
Improving Online...
(Susan Jaworowski)
Cecilia Loureiro-Koechlin,
Designing a Virtual...
(Alan Selig)
rc09 Risa Blair, et. al.,
Second Life: A Debate...
(Taylor Willingham)
1000 ra10 Julietta Beam,
Top Three ...
(Greg Walker)
Scot Headly, et. al.,
What can Educators...
(Rebecca Meeder)
rd10 reserved
1100 ra11 Wendy Neil,
iStream: Innovation...
(Leah Jones)
Alice Bedard-Voorhees, et. al.,
Wikis and Blogs...
(Cynthia Calongne)
rd11 reserved
1200 ra12 reserved John Clayton,
Using Moodle Tools...
(Linda Johnson)
Bill Bernhardt, et. al.,
The Tablet PC...
(Francis-Dean Uchima)
Adam Tanners, et. al.,
Making Distance...
(Peter Leong)
1300 ra13 reserved Scott Powell,
Digital Dynamics...
(Cynthia Calongne)
Heather Carter-Templeton, et. al.,
Using a Social Bookmark...
(Linda Johnson)
Kavita Rao, et. al.,
What Works...
(Peter Leong)
1400 Barbara P McLain
University of Hawaii

(Alan Selig)
Keynote Keynote Keynote
1500 Anthony Iaquinto,
Using Platform Structure..
(Susan Jaworowski)
Elizabeth Park,
The Future of Online...
(Shirley Yamashita)
Ramona Patterson, et. al.,
An International Collaboration...
(Alan Selig)
Eddie Gose,
IM, Therefore I Am
(Peter Leong)
1600 Happy Hour rb16 rc16 Ellen Hoffman, et. al.,
Picking Tools...
(Peter Leong)
1700 Second Life Event (TBA) rb17 rc17 rd17 reserved
Concurrent A
Concurrent B
(General session)
Concurrent C
(General session)
Concurrent D
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